everyday living with boys:
my journey to becoming a better go-with-the-flow-er
Monday, November 17, 2008
We spend LOTS of time at the soccer fields...especially the ones with playgrounds!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Again it has been so long I almost did two things. First, I almost posted a "GONE FISHIN" sign indefinetly. Second, I almost forgot my password. Damn momnesia. It took me a few tries but I finally got it. Sigh of relief, for all I am sure. Smiles.
Long ago our friend Amy brought her camera over and we played. Great to have a friend who is a genius behind the lens. Thanks for playing Amy. I am pretty sure I made it worth your while with a massive pitcher of Sangria and an afternoon by the pool. Summer I miss you. I miss keeping up with my pedicures because I spent so much time in bare feet by the pool, usually with a cold beverage in hand. I am, however also ready for scarves and hats. I'm over this blah, eighty degree-too hot for boots-too fall for flip flops weather. Here are some pictures from that long ago summer day.
new mom+animal lover+foodie+obsessive recylcer+recovering interrupter+only child+voracious reader+list maker+creature of habit+board game enthusiast+jelly belly addict+first time blogger