SNOW DAY! I, yet again, bought into the media hype of a big ice storm that would shut Dallas down...schools would be closed, work would email saying only come in if your career depends on it (mine wouldn't!), blockbuster would be packed, firewood sold out, bottled water gone, news stations would be broadcasting nothing but the big ice of 2008 for hours on end and would be competing to give us a glimpse of every car that slid on any highway within 100 miles of Dallas...snow/ice is such a funny event in Dallas. But, nope-there is nothing. Nada. Zilch. Only wet and dreary, which I love as much as ice, but wet and dreary doesn't equal free day off from work. I am having a tough time being productive today, so I am taking a snow day at work from work. Makes perfect sense. And because I have absolutely no restraint while browsing through,,, (damn you project runway!)I am diverting all attention away from online shopping.
It seems all week I have been battling people about my routine and why things have to be done my way-well that's easy, duh, because my way is the right way. Argue with me, I dare you. So today my wonderful, funny, sexy, bottle-washing, diaper-changing, ipod-addicted husband asked me "so, what's the big deal if he goes to bed late tonight?". UGH. C'mon now. You are the same dad that takes care of Dillon day in and day out--YOU know how important sleep is. Herein lies the problem. The problem is I put him to bed everynight and it's NOT FUN or EASY when he's overtired and irritated because he's stayed up too's like looking at that 4th piece of pizza and thinking it's such a great idea and then afterwards being more than miserable because you ate it. Here is an illustration of our perfect nighttime routine with my perfectly rested, happy baby ~
6:00 p.m. = playtime in dimly lit in nursery with rockyabye lullaby versions of the beatles or the smashing pumpkins+get naked+get bathed+get lotioned+hold/eat/suck bottle of lotion+desitin+diaper+teething tablets+jammies+two books+coupla songs+bottle+coo+burp+melt into mommy+prayers+sleep VOILA! It's magic and it's my favorite time of's just me and Dillon and it keeps me sane after a long, stressful, hectic, crazy, frantic, moved-a-million-miles-a-minute day at work (except for occasional snow days like these, which everyone has & are 100% necessary).
Here's what happens when he stays up too late & is overtired ~
8:00 p.m. = attempt playtime in the dimly lit nursery. dillon-SCREAM. me-OH. CRAP. WHERE. IS. THAT. PACI! dillon-SCREAM! CRY! CRY! SCREAM! SCREAM! SCREAM! me-here baby, take your paci, it's okay, i'm sorry it's so late, let's just get your jammies on. dillon-SCREAM! TWIST! ROLL! SPIT OUT PACI! SCREAM! SCREAM! CRY! KICK! HISS!
And that's why, even in my attempts to become more laid back, and a better go-with-the-flow-er, the question "so, what's the big deal if he goes to bed late tonight?" makes my head spin, my palms sweat and my mouth stutter.
And yet, we are going out as a family on an outing and D will be going to bed late tonight.
new, go-with-the-flow-mom = 1
old, gotta-go-by-the-schedule-mom = 0